Saturday, 8 March 2014

Rainbow Scrappy Challenge Saturday

Happy Saturday everyone,
Not a lot of sewing has been going on this past week as I have been playing  a bit of hooky Winking smile
However, last weekend I did work on some blocks and projects here are the results:
Firstly, as the colour for RSC14 for March is Turquoise/Teal/Aqua or any variation of blue/green I made my Turquoise Boxed-In block:
RSC14 Turquoise_March_Boxed InI apologies for the picture the lighting isn’t very good at the moment.
I also made another 2 pink RSC14 sampler blocks.  One from Angela of Soscrappy’s sampler blocks and the other from a new book I’ve just got – Tula Pink’s 100 Sampler Blocks:
RSC Pink sampler blocks(note to self: I should have used the same design board for these as I did the Box-In block…  Those magnets don’t do much for the picture…)
Lastly, I made a little pin keeper using an embroidery block from one of Jenny of Elefantz designs. The design is from one of Jenny’s tutorials which can be found here:
It is the Fly Stitch tutorial.   Here is the pin keeper I made with it: Pin_keeper_forJ2_Feb14
Pin_keeper inside pocket
Pin_keeper button_Feb14
So that’s my efforts for this past week.  *Treat yourself to more Rainbow Scrappy eye candy over at Angela’s blog Soscrappy  and see what everyone else has been up to this past week.
For now from me…. Happy Stitching!!
*please wait until later Saturday to visit  Socrappy...


  1. You've been busy Elly. I love your blocks; the teal/aqua looks so fresh and springlike. your pin keeper looks terrific. Are you going to write a tutorial?

  2. The boxed in box is a good way to showcase your lovely collection of teal/aqua fabrics. I like the pin keeper and the fact you can hide a small pair of scissors in it to have handy for applique or some hand stitching.

  3. Your little pinkeeper is so sweet! Thanks for sharing that tutorial source.

  4. I really like the Turquoise Boxed-In, the white and turquoise is so fresh.

  5. Your boxed in block looks good! Love the pink flowers in the center.

  6. I have the city sampler book too! I've been resisting so far. The boxed in is a favorite of mine as well.

  7. I love your little pin keeper... adorable!

  8. If this is what you produce when you haven't done much sewing Elly, you must be very productive. I love your boxed in block. I have seen it around on the net and love it each time I see it. It is really pretty in teal.

  9. VERY nice blocks! And the wee little holder is precious.
    Leeanna Paylor
    Not Afraid of Color!

  10. Your boxed in block looks so fresh and your little pink blocks look great too. You pin keeper is very sweet. Great job!

  11. Love your boxed in block. I need to put that on a list for next year's challenge =).

  12. Love your blocks and the pinnie is so sweet. 💕

  13. You have been busy..Love those fabrics.

  14. Elly, Your pin keeper is beautiful! I've been absent quite a while but am looking forward to seeing what you've been up to. :)
