Saturday 6 September 2008


I haven't been doing a lot of stitching lately so haven't blogged much. However, I was over on Rosa's blog and saw she had posted a picture of a spider on her window. Sooo I thought I got a beastie picture I can post. That of a .. eerrrr now let's see if I can remember the name.. oh yes a Sexton Beetle. I'd never seen one before but came across this fiercesome looking creature on my back door step. Here it is. As it happens it is quite harmless, if you're still alive. It lives on dead bodies. :))
Poor thing was infested with mites but apparently this is quite common. Also this beetle is common to the UK though it's the first one I've ever seen.


  1. That's a very scary looking bug. I prefer looking at

  2. Your bunny looks like mine! Don't know if this will work, but my blog is

